Somewhere in the craziness of last school year and life transitions, this blog was neglected. And right now life is a little different for me. I am no longer working in a school but have moved to Knoxville, TN where I am pursing a PhD in Counselor Education at the University of Tennessee. I read this interview with Julia V. Taylor earlier this week on pursing a doctorate as a school counselor and thought it was a great summary and perspective that I can relate to right now!
I do still want to update this blog with ideas as I have so many things I'd love to share with you! So please continue to check back here.
I know that there were numerous recap posts this summer after the ASCA conference in Orlando. (I tweeted from the conference if you want to check back some thoughts while there.) But I have continued to be inspired by the amazing work happening within our field and honestly have missed being in a school to implement ideas I heard about. I recently re-watched Michelle Obama's message from ASCA and was excited once again about the work happening with students every day to help them reach higher. I hope this school year is starting off well for you!