As we've been learning some ways to control our anger in 1st grade, we've talked about making good choices and cooling off first. To help students learn appropriate ways to talk to someone when they're having a problem, we learned about using "a bug and a wish." We role played various scenarios like this:
"It bugs me when you cut in line. I wish you would let me have my spot back."
"It bugs me when you take my pencil without asking. I wish you would give it back."
"It bugs me when you make fun of me. I wish you would stop."
Students were taught that the appropriate response is "Thank you for telling me. I will _____________." Hopefully this will fix the problem.
If the person they tell their bug and a wish to is not willing to cooperate, then they need to walk away or ask for help from an adult.
Students loved making bug and a wish talking sticks! They did a great job role playing with friends how they were going to use them.
Here's the book that teaches that concept - A BUG AND A WISH